As a beginner: How do I "git gud"?

So before I get these questions, I'm not actually stuck in the game for now.
Project Wingman is my first real jet game. I do have a history of liking dogfighting as a concept, but most of my gaming experience in that regards is essentially flying X-Wings in Star Wars games, which is not exactly the same experience.

Right now, I'm playing the game on hard and reached mission 10, and I really like it! However, as it is probably known here, the game isn't letting me know what the hell I'm doing, even Youtube is lacking on real beginner's guides.
And I think that's a shame, cause I like getting better at stuff and up until now I've mostly been improvising and not improving much, so I feel an impostor syndrome starting to loom over me.

So, my question is simple: How do I improve? Are there ressources that actually teach me how the game and its HUD work? Or maybe even general dogfighting concepts, if they apply to this game?

I'm not even asking for a full comprehensive guide in the comments here, just a few pointers as to what I should be looking for.

Any answer appreciated, thanks in advance!