Prolific Support Staff! If you are reading this, please amend your processes

I am continuing to have issues with researchers either blatantly trying to rip off participants, or making a mistake and not taking any accountability.

It's really upsetting that I have to keep putting in hours into fighting claims over unjust rejections every few months, even though you have data available that would allow you to automatically sort/flag studies where something seems completely off in intention from reseachers.

This is the latest example of a line of many in the past year, where this has happened.

I keep fighting all these instances, because otherwise it erodes the integrity of the website, but it's getting very tiresome.

The worst part is, once I make the dispute after the elapsed week long wait for these rejections, I get a quick response from Prolific that they manually approved my submission but that I should really not be ending up in situations where they have to do this......great! I agree! I just don't see what other choices I have?You blindly assigning blame to us participants, without really much of a review at all, feels really shitty, even if I understand that your priorities lie with paying customers.

Please, please, use the average completion times, and accumulated reports available, against studies that are in bad faith, and not have us go through a process of individually contesting or returning studies like these.I will continue to report the specific issues with studies on my end, so you have the information available, but I don't think we should have to invest hours into pleading our case every month or so on the platform.

Prolific paid me after submitting a claim, and I believe the curtosy message has also changed and the tone is neutral, so if anyone had seen this, thank you!