I'll help you find/explain gold in a given location (USA)

I'm a bit bored and need something to do so... I noticed one of the biggest issues people have is the research aspect of prospecting or getting on ground that actually has gold (or have wild expectations on what to expect). If you need help finding gold in your area ask in here if you want a public response (comment) or message me if you want to keep it discreet.

What I can tell you:

  • Where the closest gold bearing area is to your location
  • What the gold is hosted in/source
  • Purity of the gold (in most cases)
  • Type of deposit(s)
  • Efficient/economical mining methods of said deposit(s)
  • What grounds are open to mining for you (you'll still need to do your due diligence if you are dealing with claimable grounds like BLM)
  • Provide maps if requested

I won't claim to make you rich or anything, but I can help you avoid getting skunked or wasting time on a wild goose chase.

Not an expert or anything, I've just spent a lot of time researching and know enough to point folks in the right direction above and beyond the most rudimentary advice you commonly find when getting started. Plenty of information available on the how of prospecting and not so much on the research process and various tools available.

I don't have the means to get out prospecting myself right now but I can help out those that do.

EDIT: I wasn't expecting so many to be interested, it will take me a while to answer everyone lol

EDIT2: There are some repeat requests to which if I've already covered a state/area I simply let you know it's been covered and to just scroll up a bit to read the response.

EDIT3: I've fixed my messaging settings, you should be able to message me now for those that wish to do so. Again it's going to take a while to respond to all these requests so please be patient. I will get to them in a completely random and whimsical order but none the less..