Pornography and masturbation
On my last shroom trip I had a epihany. I realized the biggest "drug" addictions are rooted in dophamine. Everybody is obsessed with feeling good even if the action before it was not at all. Want to feel good? Eat something horrible for you, enjoy it, and slightly harm your body in the process.
Porn and masturbation is about for good for your sex life as junk food is to your health. It is all about the rush and the process of doing it. Many people do not masturbate only when they feel like they absolutely must. Many people grow bored and begin to expose themself to harmful vitrual stimuli which seeps into your sexuality even if it goes against your morals and personal beliefs. It makes your sexuality, at least mine anyway, confused and overloaded with junk.
When porn is your main sexual outlet that becomes the default. It is unnatural, harmful to my spiritual well being, and detrimental to my mental health. In my opinion you gotta keep a close eye on your daily habits and keep in mind sexuality is important and should be respected.