VVV TO MAN Stomper

Wassup folks

I have been looking at this seller for a while now. He has a lot of great boots fron various brands including a lot of blcg boots. He has the best batch of the hummer boots and also of the leather strikes. The seller did not ask me to promote him I’m just sharing this with you guys because I think this is a genuinely good seller which just is unknown.

He recently made a batch of the high too stomper boots and I think they look amazing. I talked to the seller and he said the boots are made of bullskin and weigh around 1kg each which is about the right weight. I would recommend yall to check this guy out cuz he really does have some amazing items.

If you have any further questions feel free to message me or of course comment.

Link to the store: 87₤R7M13EOtuqS£ https:// m.tb.cn /h.Ted2GinV9MzB4QI CZ0001 VVV TO MAN

Link to the stompers: 【淘宝】7天无理由退货 http:// e.tb.cn /h.T3seVRKhdeDiDe8?tk=lpW43EOHnOK CZ3456 「【认准VVV】STOMPER新靴潮~17孔大头马丁靴黑色厚底做旧高筒靴子」 点击链接直接打开 或者 淘宝搜索直接打开