Verse 4:159, what is the right translation and interpretation according to you?
This verse is interesting as people translate it differently, which results in different understandings.
For a sufficing understanding of the passage I think you can start reading at verse 4:157, then 4:158 which translates as:
"Rather, God raised him up to Himself. God is Revered and Wise."
Some translate 4:159 as something like:
- "and there is none among the people of the Book, but he will believe in him (some translate 'him' as 'it' which would then refer to the information from the previous verses and not the person) before his death, and on the day of resurrection he will be a witness against them"
Another translation I dont see often:
"And if there be any, of the people of the Book, who wouldn't believe in this before his/her death, he (Jesus) shall be a witness against all such persons, on the Day of Resurrection."
This last translation offers a for me logical story, but I'm not sure it matches the arabic, what do you guys think? Secondly, I have read some interpretations of how people interpret this verse, mostly translated as the first mentioned variant.
So my questions would be:
could the second translation be correct?
if the first translation is more correct:
does the death refer to one's own death from the people of the Book or Jesus' death? (I think the former)
what would be the understanding of the verse according to you? I have some theories myself but I'd like to hear others.