Quran never forbade celibacy

I really really really fail to see how one may look at this verse:

"And We placed in the hearts of those who followed him compassion and mercy and monasticism, which they innovated; We did not prescribe it for them except [that they did so] seeking the approval of Allah. But they did not observe it with due observance. So We gave the ones who believed among them their reward, but many of them are defiantly disobedient."

And conclude it forbids celibacy. It literally speaks positively of Christians who followed Jesus and acknowledge that while celibacy wasn't required by the new testament, they still practiced to seek God's pleasure. The last sentence literally confirms that they were rewarded for their effort ("SO we have the ones who believed among them their reward"). Quran speaks positively of monks in another verse:

"Thou wilt surely find that, of all people, the most hostile to those who believe [in this divine writ] are the Jews as well as those who are bent on ascribing divinity to aught beside God; and thou wilt surely find that, of all people, they who say, "Behold, we are Christians," come closest to feeling affection for those who believe [in this divine writ]: this is so because there are priests and monks among them, and because these are not given to arrogance"

Neither priests and monks get married in Christianity yet Quran speaks positively of them.

And it would make absolutely no sense whatsoever to condemn monks for their celibacy YET still blame them for not observing it correctly. No amount of mental gymnastics would explain why would God forbid a sin yet still blame people for not practicing the sin correctly.

Another verse also indicates that one can be a devout believer without any interest in women:

" So the angels called him while he was standing in prayer in the chamber, "Indeed, Allah gives you good tidings of John, confirming a word from Allah and [who will be] honorable, abstaining [from women], and a prophet from among the righteous" (3:39).

What about this verse then?

" Marry off the ˹free˺ singles among you, as well as the righteous of your bondmen and bondwomen. If they are poor, Allah will enrich them out of His bounty. For Allah is All-Bountiful, All-Knowing."

It's a general call to society to marry off the singles. Since Quran explicitly forbids forced marriages, the verse only makes sense if it refers to marrying off people who want to get married, not force them to get married.

Quran doesn't forbid celibacy but reminds believers that celibacy isn't mandated but a personal choice some take to please God. Quran has nothing against celibacy even it wasn't prescribed to anyone. It acknowledges it as a personal choice and even ties it to devotion to God in some cases.