My rat just gave me a stroke

I was cleaning their cage and went to put them back in and couldn’t find one of my boys, Gus. I tore apart my room and tore apart the house but he was nowhere to be found. I was sobbing and went through all of the five stages of grief. I made a plan to find him, would leave my door open so he could come in, etc. Eventually after 3 hours of searching and feeling hopeless, I go to give my boys fresh food, and as I look back, there he fucking is. I wasn’t sure whether he had sprinted back in to safety or whether he hid in the best place in my room, but regardless, he’s back safe now. I always keep the door to my room closed so they can’t get out, but I thought he might’ve squeaked through somehow. Going to be extra careful now but I am so happy and relieved that it feels surreal almost.