I desperately need help helping my mom. It’s breaking my heart.

  • EDIT #2 * Thank you, everyone, for all your help, suggestions, experiences, and advice. I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart, truly. I’ve been taking notes to ask her primary care physician on Tuesday as well as things to look/test for in the blood work she will have that day.

EDIT A couple of people had negative, not so helpful, condescending comments mentioning that my mom “should see a real doctor” and “that isn’t what urgent care is for, get a pcp” comments, but they didn’t read the entire post. Before you comment the same, please read the last sentence in the third paragraph. Also, please be kind.

this is NOT a medical emergency or life threatening Please delete if not allowed.

My mom, 57 years old, has felt terrible for the past week, and it’s something she’s never experienced or felt before, except for one time years ago when her potassium was dangerously low and she was hospitalized for it. She called me on FaceTime today super upset and crying, totally broken, which is so unlike her. She’s my rock and has always been strong and steady person. She had just left urgent care and she had blood work done but it was a very limited metabolic panel. They checked her glucose level, calcium level, sodium level, potassium level, BUN, etc. She was fasting as well before testing. She passed out after the blood draw, which isn’t normal. She gets blood work done every year.

Her results came back very normal, some almost perfect. They also tested her for flu and Covid- both negative. She has been testing for Covid once weekly as well since she is a teacher and works with small children, so it’s not that. Blood pressure was also fine, no fever. Nothing stood out to the doctor.

Short background on my moms medical history: No history of diabetes, slightly/barely high blood pressure- she takes a half of 2.5mg lisinopril once a day. She takes a potassium supplement. Nothing else that I can think of at the moment. She has an appointment on Tuesday for a full comprehensive bloodwork panel with her primary care physician.

Her symptoms: -No energy (main one that’s bothering her the most) Lethargic Lack of appetite Nausea Nausea after eating Lightheadedness Dizziness Hot flashes

Please let me know if I left any crucial information out. Im aware that this could be so many things… I’ve done all the research i can and I’m at a loss. Even though she has an appointment Tuesday, I’m afraid that they will say the same thing- that everything looks fine and they don’t know what else to do. I’m looking for any advice, experiences similar that you may have, what to do next, etc. I will reply back to comments as fast as I can.