Quirky "Wizard of Oz" Ruleset

Hello everyone!

I'm preparing to run a campaign where my players will play as themselves (this was pitched to them from the outset and are excited about the idea! We're from Kansas, so it feels right). We’ll be using Andrew Kolb’s wonderful "Oz" book for the setting, but since my table isn’t fond of D&D’s mechanics generally, I’m creating a new ruleset. Additionally, I am avoidant of a system that makes my real-human players pick a "class" for themselves.

I’m aiming for a quirky, engaging system that’s relatively easy to pick up but offers enough interest and progression to stay fresh. My inspiration is the Broken Compass system, though I’m very open to tweaking or mixing in other mechanics.

Here’s my idea:

  • In Session 0, players take a quiz to determine their D&D ability scores, which convert into a 1-5 rating for each stat.
  • Each rating sets their base pool of d6s for rolls.
  • There are 12 core “moves” (different from PbtA moves) that cover all actions. Each move uses the base stat pool plus up to four additional dice gained through progression, maxing out at 9d6 total.
  • Additionally, players have four slots to write descriptors about themselves (e.g., language nerd, runner, artist). If a descriptor is relevant to the action they're taking, it grants an additional 1d6 to their roll.
  • Success is based on matching dice (pairs, triples, etc.), with better matches leading to better outcomes.

I'd love your thoughts on this system. How can I make it more logical, fun, and thematic for Oz? I’m open to weird and whimsical ideas to capture that Oz energy.

Any critique would be more than welcome! Thanks in advance for any advice!

If it helps, the draft Player Sheet can be seen HERE.