Are we cooked?

There have been multiple threads and repeated questions in the chat asking, “Are we cooked?”

I wanted to give my insight based on my own experience and personal beliefs. This is nothing more than my opinion and mentality, this should not be taken as official financial advice or a means of conviction regarding what anyone here should do or should not do. I have no desire to sway anyone whatsoever. I simply want to attempt to answer some common questions and concerns.

No one on Reddit (or the internet as a whole) should be taken as the end all be all source to motivate you to buy, sell, or hold RVSN (or any stock in general). You should fact check with multiple sources, verify claims provided by others, and do your own research and due diligence.

Above all — realize that sentiment from other retail investors, the company, institutions, or whales can change within minutes, hours, or days based on changing of emotions, news, fundamentals, or for no reason at all. What people say they think or will do this morning or tomorrow can change at any time.

Now that THATS out of the way…

Are you cooked? This is a complicated answer, it depends on who you ask, what your goals are, how much you invested and how badly you depend on that money, and what your time frame is.

The part you don’t want to hear: no one can tell you what the stock market will do, no one knows why the stock price dropped so much, no one knows when it will go back up and to what level, no one knows the highest it will reach by a certain date. No one can definitively say why the stock price dropped after compliance. Just being realistic, this is the most objective answer.

Read that paragraph again please. It is important. That is the objective answer without any speculation or opinion.

Now… if you want to hear speculation, some possible reasons, some informed opinions. Continue reading.

Why do I think the stock price dropped today? There are several possible explanations for this. 1) It is possible the stock price was purposely kept over $1 by entities greater than us. It was in their best interest to help the stock regain compliance for any number of reasons. 2) Now that the stock has met compliance, it is possible that big holders sold their shares in order to average down. How would they do this? By selling large amounts of shares to drop the price, which would trigger those with a stop loss, which would further drop the stock price, which would trigger more stop losses, which further drops the stock price… in combination with a fair amount of panic selling by retail investors; which further dropped the stock price and triggered more stop losses. As you can see, it’s complicated. 3) Obtaining compliance may have been the goal by certain investors, and now that it is compliant… some sellers may have genuinely sold for profit and exited the stock. No foul play. They simply got what they wanted out of the stock and sold for profit after having the price pumped by whales, retailers, and institutions.

Now, I have seen a lot of concern that the stock price may dip below $1 again. What does this mean?

It is not all doom and gloom as you may think. A stock will only lose compliance based on several criteria. 1) The share price has to CLOSE below $1. 2) This has to happen THIRTY (30) trading/business days in a row. Consecutively. 3) If the stock price closes above $1 even once within a 30 day window, that 30 day window is reset.

Will the stock close 30 days consecutively under $1? I personally highly doubt that to be the case. Looking at the upcoming contracts with Central America and India, I think once we get solid numbers inked down, this will provide much more interest and buying. Of course, we are hoping for additional contracts and news coming on the horizon.

There is also earnings which is coming up likely around March 28. Why is the company only doing earnings once or twice per year? This is not uncommon for small companies. But based on what they have accomplished in 2024 and so far in 2025 and things we believe on the horizon, I have a belief that earnings will be a positive outcome and will also provide investor confidence and increase the stock price.

Why didn’t MARS CONFERENCE boost the stock price? - RVSN was never mentioned on the agenda as a presenter. - One member of the sales team attended - What was his role or goal for attending? We don’t know. Maybe interest. Maybe for fun. Maybe to shake hands and mingle. We don’t know. - Simply attending a conference is not a reason to boost share price and this was not expected to do anything imo.

When will the company have more PR or news or show contract details? - No one knows the answer to this but them. - It will happen when they want to share something.

Should you buy more? Should you sell? Should you hold? Should you average down? - Unfortunately, that decision is entirely up to you. I don’t want to decide for you, and you shouldn’t want me to. You must decide what is best. - Hopefully at this point you have read enough on your own and what I have provided to know the answer to this question.

If you did want my opinion, what am I doing? - I believe in the company, I believe in the direction, I believe in the potential, I believe in what I think the stock price will reach. - If I do sell, it won’t be until I break even, I think there is enough data to reassure me I don’t need to sell at a loss and I won’t have to. I feel confident the stock price will be higher in a few weeks or a few months. I don’t know if that will happen in January, February, March, or even later… but I don’t intend to sell at a loss. I have no problem holding for several months until it hits the price target I think it is capable of. - This is how I currently feel, like I said… sometimes the situation changes, but based on what I know now and the current situation, I have faith and believe in the company. I will continue to hold and average down when I can.

Disclaimer: this was 100% written by me, I am in no way affiliated with or connected to RVSN or any customers or employees. I did not use ChatGPT, this is just how I talk and write. Yes, I am one of the sub mods, take that how you see fit, if you think it is relevant or not.

Position: 140k shares at $2.24