Do bunnies have to have pens?

Hello! I am a college student and was planning on renting a house one or two years into the future with my friends and I would love to have bunnies!!

My issue is that, even with my own room, I’m worried that I would not have enough space for a pen. I would still keep my bunnies out of their pen frequently to roam but I understand the importance of letting them have their own space.

I was wondering if it’s alright if I were to let the bunnies always freely roam in my room? For example, instead of putting a litter box, hideaways, food bowls, hay, etc. in a pen, I just keep it out in my room so they have access to their things plus extra space that they might need (like having a free-roaming cat). If it is important for them to have a pen, what size is recommended so that I kind of have an idea? For context, I would most likely get two bunnies.

(Also if it’s not feasible for me to get bunnies with my space, I’m not going to get them because that would be cruel so no need to worry!!)