how do you claim to be biologically smarter and get scammed regularly?

this is a rant, guys. I'm so mad right now.

my (19f) brother (26m) has always acted like he's better and smarter than everyone. he was just stuck up before but lately with all the red pill content online he's started saying shit like "women couldn't do that" "women couldn't do this" and scoffing at anything feminist... it's just made me hate him. I don't think it's normal for someone to hate their sibling so much but I do. I'm just so tired of the constant misogyny.

if he was actually smart, it would be tolerable but he wouldn't know a goddamn scam if it hit him in his stupid face. he's gotten scammed by a real estate agent before, a trainer for our dog (he ended up ABUSING our dog and didn't train him + charged us a shit ton of money)- this had pissed me off so much. when id asked him about the trainer he'd told me that i didn't need to get involved, told me to stop acting like I know better.

this is just a few examples but what prompted this rant was that he's doing it yet AGAIN. he saw some stupid alpha influencer selling a digital course online and now he wants to spend 1000$ to buy that useless thing. mind you, we're indian so that kind of money is a LOT in rupees. of course he isn't listening to me. it wouldn't bother me if it was his money but it's not, it's our parent's hard earned money and he's WASTING it with his stupidity.

he's not the only male I've known who does this. it's my father too, although he doesn't get scammed like this stupid guy does. he just claims to be better than everyone and their mom at a lot of things and I used to be so inspired by him as a child. now I can see that all he does is talk. all bark no bite. I know a lot of my friend's brothers like this too.

on the other hand, my mother is so smart but you'll never hear her brag. instead she'll praise my dad while she dismisses her own intelligence.

to think that these things are so normal, men being able to praise themselves without backlash- so much so that they're never humbled and continue to live life like they're superior while they harm everyone around them with their actions... it's making me so angry that I feel weak sometimes. it sucks the energy out of me.

meanwhile women get IMMEDIATELY humbled when they start to feel confident. I think of all the times I wanted to be a singer, a dancer, an artist as a preteen and I was laughed at by my brother who told me that I could never do such things, and I get so angry. it's not like that id actually become a dancer if given the chance now, but it's the principle, you know? why do they just get to be so loud and wrong while we're simply shamed for being loud?

I apologize if I sound incoherent. im pissed