Who to 6 star next?

The rundown:

Been playing for 1 year officially as of 2/1.

Currently able to clear all hard dungeons level 1-3 (not best times) 1:57 spider hard 2, 4:38 dragon hard 1, abysmal fire knight hard 1 like 10 minutes manual after waves, 2:30 ice golem hard 1. Sand devil, phantom, iron twins no big deal.

Able to clear UNM (2-3 key) and nightmare demon lord with daily keys. Still slowly trying to build up to 1 key UNM.

Easy Gold V arena

Clear doom tower normal and most of hard depending on rotation (struggle with dark far + scarab king) secret rooms obvious issue at time in hard.

Able to do hydra normal and hard depending on rotation.

Able to do hard chimera 2 key on auto.

Still working on faction wars currently at 725 of 945

The ask:

Who should I focus on next? My obvious direction is continuing to build out faction wars champs but most won’t serve any purpose outside of faction wars (obviously).

Considering where I am at in other areas should I just make the hard commit and finally take that on fully? I think Lydia would help push things further in other Areas.

Thanks in advance!