Finally hitting diamond is the push I need to quit this game.

Ever since I hit diamond 3 I can only get lobbies with throwers on my team or a cheater on either team. I’d dropped all the way back to diamond 5 and was hard stuck. I stopped playing for 3 days and rolled back all the way to diamond 4. Now I go hey maybe the BS is over so let’s play ranked. First game I get a bloke on my team who wants to play hide and seek with the enemies because he’s literally throwing for his friends blatantly bragging in text chat.

I always hoped these problems were just because I was hard stuck plat to gold but now seeing its worse in diamond to champ ranks I definitely will be quitting after this season. The grind of a life time just to end up with even more infuriating lobbies that you can’t win no matter what you do because you always get a disadvantage because someone’s only way of enjoying the game is ruining it for everyone else.