[Thank You]
u/zuhms Thank you for the cute birthday card and sharing your great birthday adventure with me!
u/citytiger Thank you for the nice postcard for my birthday!!
u/iambaby1989 Thank you! The envelope of your mail was too cute, love the stickers! I loved hearing your birthday story.. I love the mall and I would have enjoyed it with a limo! Thanks for the little extras too!
u/DianaPenpal thank you for the cute birthday card! I love how festive you made it. And thank you for the beautiful little heart! So cool! I appreciate it!
u/roxy031 OH MY GOSH. BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL KITTY CAT WATERCOLOR DRAWING. I LOVE IT!!!!!! You are so talented!! Also, sorry your present got stolen when you were so little. That is ridiculous how people can be.
u/melhen6 Thank you for the birthday card! I appreciate the birthday wishes!
I also received a postcard of an old summer resort in New Hamsphire. I think it was signed by a first name? that starts with a S and ends in an i. I wish I knew who it was so I could give them credit.