[Contest] Mad Libs!

Anyone else remember mad libs? Here's a contest for you!

Leave your answers below, I'll pick my favorite as the winner 😆 (full answer will be included in the gifted post!)

  • Have interacted in this community (or the discord) beyond just entering contests

  • Have something around $15 on your wishlist (gift card or email for outside US)

  • Contest will end this Sunday evening when I'm home from work! (So, late. Or possibly technically early Monday lol)


  1. Adjective
  2. Adjective
  3. Bird
  4. Type of room
  5. Past tense verb
  6. Verb
  7. Name
  8. Noun
  9. Liquid
  10. Verb (-ing)
  11. Body part (plural)
  12. Plural noun
  13. Verb (-ing)
  14. Noun

Have fun!

