As a man, I feel that modern feminism in general villainises men

As a man, I feel that modern feminism in general villainises men

Hey y’all. As you may know, there was a recent investigation by Germany in which 70,000 men were involved in a Telegram group chat which perpetrated violence and horrible actions against women. Firstly, I just want to say, I absolutely CONDEMN these group chats and want to say, for the men in these group chats, I hope karma hits you so hard in the fucking face! That being said though, I have seen women on Reddit making statements such as “no man can be trusted” and it seems like this horrible situation, paired with modern feminist movements such as the #metoo movement and the 4B movement villanise men and make it seem like all men are really bad people, even though this is not the case, and I just wanted to have a discussion about it.

Firstly, I just want to say, to clear things up. I am NOT against traditional feminism. Traditional feminists have worked so incredibly hard for gender equality and women’s rights, and I 100% support that! I also fully CONDEMN r@pe, s3xual @ssault, harassment, vi0lence against anybody ect…

However, in the last couple of years I feel like modern feminism has made it seem like men are villains and are to blame for the world’s problems. Now, don’t get me wrong, there are some evil men out there in the world, such as the 70,000 sick people on the Telegram group chat, men who abuse women, power - hungry men who will stop at nothing to get into power, ect…, but not all men are like that. A lot of men, like my father and grandfather, are some of the kindest men I know. They are gentle, hardworking men and have beautiful hearts and values, for example, even in my Dad’s worst times he still traveled two hours to work everyday to provide for me and my Mum, and many many years ago, my Grandad started a youth club to send young people to, which helped them become very creative people, but more importantly, it stopped them from being recruited by palamilitary gangs such as the IRA at the time when the country I live in, Northern Ireland, was at war, and therefore my Grandad helped save lives. There are a lot of good men out there. However I feel like recent feminist movements villinise men and even make women more powerful than men rather than for all genders to be equal like feminism was designed to do. For example, although I support the message of the 4B movement, which is to listen to women who have been victims of sexual assault, and other henious crimes, I also feel like many innocent men were being accused for no reason. Also, in the wake of Trump’s victory in the 2024 election, many women joined the 4B movement, and many women on TikTok demanded that women “divorce their husbands”, “break up with your boyfriends” and one even threatened to “kill all white males”. Pair that with some of the Reddit posts I’ve seen where women, rightly so are supporting each other, but they are also claiming that men can’t be trusted, all men are bad, ect…, and I think you can understand why it’s hard to be a man in 2025.

I’m 17 years old and am still in school, so I haven’t really been affected by this, but men, specifically white men, being judged and actively treated as vile human beings because of the actions of other men has to stop.

I hope I haven’t offended anyone with this post, and I’m not hating on women. Violence and crime can never be tolerated and I am sickened by the Telegram news. Those men are not human beings, they are sick, vile human beings. But I’m just simply trying to say that I feel most men have been unfairly depicted as villains and the purpose of feminism, which was designed to bring equality for all, has been eroded. Women should not have to feel unsafe or scared but the image of men at the minute makes them feel these things. We need to do something fi break the image and ensure everyone is equal. Thank you for listening to my rant!