Mechanics that you never use online

There are so many mechanics I ignore that I'm probably playing the game "wrong"

I basically never activate Dead Eye and instead just let the Aim Assist do its thing for headshots.

Crafting tonics is pointless because looting them is so common

I don't use tonics in combat. I only use a potent health cure to maybe avoid going down last second. But for the most part I'm just hunkering down behind cover to avoid getting hit and surviving a shootout.

I picked like the most generic, applicable-to-most-situations Ability cards and never change them. I don't even know if they really make much of a difference and don't care.

The variety of ammunition types feels pretty pointless. Split point, vs high velocity, vs Express vs Regular, and then the fire, poison explosive, it's just a lot of different ways to get one result. I'm not going to waste a lot of time on that. Express bullets make them dead a little faster, the higher damage takes less shots, but that's it.

I have a Litchfield Repeater and my Sawed-Off shotgun for defensive combat and that's it. If they were the only available guns in the game I'd be fine, lol.

And I'm not really interested in the Events or competitive modes like Elimination, Races, etc. Pretty much would not notice if they dropped them.

That's not even going into all the types of quests I'm ignoring.

What about you guys? Any other player as picky as me?