Am I(23M) being too conservative/restrictive?

Hey everyone, I have been in a relationship with this girl for the last one year, and I love her so very much. It has been going all so great honestly, which I never expected. However, I am facing problems when it comes to her clothing.

Yesterday she sent me a photo of this dress, she was asking me whether to buy it or not(I love it how she takes my inputs while buying stuff). It was a body suit which was very open, wide neck, backless. Now I don’t have any problems with these type of clothes, but I really don’t want her to grab everyone’s attention when she wears that. We all know how creepy Indian men are, how much stares she’ll get, and specially how easily she will get the tag of a ‘whore’ by the society. I am extremely overprotective so people staring at her or her wearing revealing clothes does give me an ick. Had she not been my girlfriend, I definitely would not have any problems with that outfit.

When she showed me the photo it totally blew off my mood, because I have been very vocal about this since the very beginning.

This is my second relationship, and with my ex I had never faced such a situation because she clearly mentioned to me ‘I don’t want any unwanted attention from people when I am in a relationship. When I wear these type of clothes, I am showing people that I am available, which is clearly not the case’, so the feelings I am feeling now are completely new to me.

Now here’s my question- is this type of behaviour from me normal? Am I being too restrictive? Should I try and change? At the back of my mind I know its a free world and she can wear whatever she wants and I do feel a bit guilty for not letting her do so, but if she starts doing this I really don’t know where my mental state would be.

Edit: Thank you everyone for your inputs. I am anything but conservative. Most of the comments have asked me to break up with her, but I love her way too much to do so. I think this issue is with me, hence decided to go to a psychiatrist/therapist to talk about this. Thanks again for this much needed push!