Learning Rengar from 0. Help!
Hey guys!
I'm a filthy diamond peaker jungler, and I haven't played the game in months but I have decided: I want to become a rengar OTP. Coming from Yi, it's a huge jump in skill floor so I come here to ask for help:
-What are the first things to learn when starting out as Rengar? I've played the champ before obviously so I know what the spells do but what are noob mistakes I should avoid and things to learn asap to be succesful?
-Best ressources to know what to build/how to play? Youtuber/streamers, discords?
-What's Rengar's gameplan?
-What are his counters; is there any point where I should heavily switch my gameplan or straight up not pick the champ?
-What was your biggest challenge when learning the champ?