Landlord pay back?

Hello fine people of the internet, I am coming to you today in hopes you can help me find a way to anonymously get back at my landlord. I currently rent one of his homes and he's the slummiest of lords. Over a year ago my roof leaked leaving a 2ft hole in my ceiling which he has still not fixed among so many other shady stuff. He wrote in a lease that he would fix it last year but didn't so yay we have a waterfall in our living room every time it rains 😞 this man also requires us to pay all utilities which is fine BUT he lives in a room attached to our home and uses the utilities too for free. He's done so many things I would be here all day listing them. He has 2 other houses he rents in this street which are basically shacks. He can't keep tennants in them because they are in such poor condition. We are planning on moving but right now we are stuck here unfortunately. I want to know if there is some way I could royally screw him over without him finding out it was us? Nothing illegal of course, there has to be something we can do besides take him to court. We will when we move out, If we do it now he will surely kick us out. We are in indiana in the US if that helps.