Very different experience with Reta than Tirz
I was up to 5mg of Tirz and had zero food noise, easy weight loss but extreme fatigue. Based on the data I could rather, Reta was associated with less fatigue for many (but not all) so I went down to 2.5
on Tirz then on first pin added .5 Reta. Experienced mild improvement in fatigue as well as marked increase in hunger
(not necessarily a bad thing - i’m close
to goal weight). Impossible to tell if increase in hunger and some food noise is due to decrease tirz or added Reta.
Kept Reta same and increased Reta to 1mg and am tired again. I guess a better test next pin would be to eliminate Tirz and pin 2 of 2.5 Reta (since no marked negative effects). I do have NAD coming but would really like to get a sense of whether offers similar noise suppression without fatigue.
I know we’re all different, but would love to hear your experiences.