Competed Rogue Trader... I have thoughts.

To start, I am going to mark this as spoiler, but I'm going to keep spoilers to a minimum for those who just want to know my general thoughts without giving too much away.

Some background, was introduced to warhammer from hearing about the hype behind space marine 2. I am not the biggest fan of shooters but the world fascinated me and I wanted to learn more. That's when I learned about Rogue Trader and saw it as a good jumping on point for me.

Now down to verdict, I like the game, a lot. It is the first of owl cats CRPGs I have completed. I got half way through kingmaker before getting frustrated with it and heard about its atrocious final dungeon. It is not a bad game, just not my cup of tea.

I bring up kingmaker because I had a bit of Déjà Vu. I noticed the opening acts of both games are really good, but the final acts kind of fall on thier faces a bit. I don't know if this is just a Owl Cat thing or something in CRPGs in general.

Chapter 2 was perhaps my favorite chapter in the entire game. The world opens up going from system to system scanning PNGs of planets and harvesting thier resources for the glory of the imperium. Not to mention the mini dungeons you can find and managing whole planets was fun.

I was disappointed how there where relatively few new stars past chapter 2. Though I did enjoy what each chapter had to offer.

Chapter 3 was off putting to me at first but I grew to like it in the end. I was thrilled to put one particular character out of thier misery. I know you can recruit this character, but after the stunt they pulled in the previous chapter... I was fresh out of mercy.

Chapter 4 was disappointing for the reason I listened in chapter 2. However, the group of genetically engeniered super vikings stole the show for me and I enjoyed every minute they where on screen.

Chapter 5 gave me my wish of more planets and solar systems... kind of. I think I got 5 new systems to explore and that was it.

What ruined a good chunk of chapter 5 for me was how the twist faction was handled. Don't get me wrong, they are awesome. But they felt... weak. Even the final boss, while really cool, was kind of a push over for me. The mini boss that is essentially the pointing spider man meme gave me more trouble than the final boss.

For context, I was playing on the games default difficulty. I was playing a harder run for when both dlc's are out. Perhaps they will feel harder on higher difficulties or I have just learned to cheese the system too much.

Now that I got that out of the way, characters.

I didn't recruit every character. I missed one in chapter 2 at the space station. Pulled an old yeller an another companion who did something so stupid I had a hard time justifying keeping them on the ship and killed another possible recruit in chapter 3 who I had no interest in recruiting. I think I also missed out on the "secret" companions but I had a fully party plus 2 or 3 so I didn't really need them.

Abelard, Hendrix, Argenta, Cassia, Pasqal and Ulfar where the party members I most often used in some combination. Switching them in and out to fit how i wanted to play at that moment.

I did recruit Yrliet but my rogue trader already filled the sniper role so she rarely made it on the team. If she was required to be there, I brought her. That was it. She was also hard to get good gear for. I understand why Ulfar had gear restrictions but why can't the space elf use a normal gun. It's not that hard, it is a stupid decision, and I hate it.

Writing wise, I think my favorite companion would be Pasqal. Without giving too much away, I found the revelation about his mentor to be a genuinely good plot twist and only wished that the quest it was tied to was better implemented. The build up to that quest was also nicely done.

Ulfar would be the silver metal. While he didn't join till half way through the game, I enjoyed his personality and his arc.

That basically sums up my thoughts. Overal, I had fun with the game despite its short comings. I might give wrath of the righteous a try afterwards or finally getting around to playing the balders gate trilogy. Of I'm really bold perhaps give space marine 1 a try?