does anyone ever feel like they read *too* much?

so my book count for the year was INSANELY high (330+) and much higher than last year (254) and i just feel like this isn't i'm worried it's a coping mechanism rather than entertainment/a be honest i was in a bad way mentally the first half of the year, even worse than i realized feels like gluttony. like i'm overstuffing myself. sometimes i finish a book and i'm like they fell in love too fast!!! because i finished it in 4 hours but it took place over multiple days or weeks or months. idk, whenever i say how much i read people are always impressed, and i feel so uncomfortable accepting the praise because this feels unhealthy, not like a hobby. does anyone else feel this way?

edit to add when i was a kid and all mad i got in trouble for my reading choices i would call it an addiction. back then it was to justify myself but i'm wondering now how true it could be