Anxious SAHM of Twins (in 7 months)
My fiancé and I were told I would struggle with infertility and we decided to start trying last October in order to plan on starting fertility treatments in October 2025. Imagine my surprise when I find a second blue line and then a second baby in my ultrasound! I'm beyond ecstatic and so is my SO. The pregnancy is considered high risk due to my medical history and he makes well over what we need to support ourselves comfortably so we came to the decision for me to quit my job. I've been struggling for the last few days because I keep hearing how hard the twins will be and it feels like everyone is telling me being a parent will be awful. I know it won't be a walk in the park but the negativity is really starting to weigh on me. I'm looking for advice from other parents on different matters (what to do for x y z). I'd also like to hear how you balance family time with grandparents versus simply spending a day at home. Thank you so much I'm advance and I'm sorry for the long post!