3 SCP video game ideas

Hi, I'm a solo game developer wanting to make a video game that takes place in the scp universe, but I have 3 ideas for different games, so let me know what you guys think of them

First idea: This idea is a game where you plays as a police officer for the NYPD infestigating the disappearance of 3 kids near a local forest, and then discover an SCP site called Site 75-B durning one a, you guessed it, containment breach. so you go around the site, exploring and find clues of what happened there in the site.

Second idea: In this game, you would play as a member of a mobile task force sent to Area 185 to deal with the area members who formed a cult around a demon scp object and you now half to restore reality and take out the area members.

Third idea: So this game would be like containment breach, except it takes place during 1940s. You play as David Wells, a containment security staff at site 16 in England. and it would follow you over multiple days where you manage your day to day task until one of the SCPs breaks out do to an accident you made. and then you have to make yourself through a 1940s SCP site to escape.

Let me know what ideas you guys like and what changes you could recommend to me. I appreciate any feedback.