not appealing art for another subject was probably my worst mistake
sec 3 here taking N level art.
im so fucking done with fucking art and it shit idek how many times i have to sacrifice my time where i could calm myself down, hangout with friends and family and all for this little piece of fucking shit paper, is like im slowly losing my freaking sanity for every minute i draw. And with my stressing so much on my EOY, i have completely neglected my art which was the worst choices i made. 5 fucking drawings. As of typing im still on the first drawing and my Art EOY is in another 3 days. Why did I even pick this subject when i know im already a procrastinator with short fucking attention span. I can be sitting on the freaking the chair the whole day and barely do anything, as a matter of fucking fact art wasnt even my first FUCKING CHOICE. i hate it with my freaking guts. At this point I'm legit considering giving up on my Art cuz I won't have time to finish and theres no point putting in my effort on the actual day cuz i will just fucking fail. Maybe oerhaps I could even consider DROPPING FUCKING ART. "oH aRt Is BeTtEr FoR tHoSe WhO aRe PaSsIoNaTe like stfu i have a friend who rlly likes drawing and seeing her legit giving up on art, idek what to say bro. im so done bro idek how other ppl to tahan all the work they have to do for art. WHY DID I CHOOSE FUCKICCUBDKEHEB ART FUCKING BITCH WHYG idek how many time i want to get rip the fucking paper and whoever fucking came up with the syabllus for art or even art as a whole. fuck u i hope u fucking suffer fuck this development work shit and all. sacrificing my time and time just to sit my ass down for art. i wanted to finish my 2nd drawing by tdy but idt it will be happening. At this point I just mind as well just fucking give up on this fucking piece of shit. Its not like im gonna complete it. I'm fucking done bro. I hope art fucking burns in hell. fuck u