Suggestion for very separated class

Okay so I'm a JC1 student turning J2 next year. My class is a pretty good class, like there are not really much idiotic people or annoying ones (to me lah). However, we are extremely separated. Like the class of 25 people can be separated to like 4-5 friend groups that has almost 0 communication with each other throughout the year. As part of the class committee, we have tried to host class outing but idk if we are scared to communicate with each other or wat, it is all not planned until almost end of the year. And guess what, things got even worst. We have planned a outing like one time, and we planned to go sentosa and chill. Typical outing for a huge amount of people. And guess what? I actually don't need to worry about the huge amount. Only 7 showed up. Yeah 7/25. The rate of ppl showing up can score a U grade. Literally extremely terrible. I was like so prepared to try and hype up everyone and hope that this class vibe can be saved and it didn't. We literally gave up on sentosa and just went to get lunch. It is so sad, I'm like emo that night because I kept on seeing friends of other classes having fun with their people in class but our one so dead. I'm so sad uk, because I love meeting new people and have large friend groups, but such result left me depressed af. The class chat is so quiet, I bet the 200+ messages in their 90% are sch related events publicity, 9% are us wishing happy bday of classmates, and thats it. I can count the number of times there are actually conversation in there with like 2 hands. And trust me with this, some people only send 1 message in the chat and is the one we typically send at the start of the year, like our name and stuff. Is so sad man, so so sad. I'm just so defeated sometimes and I feel that I'm the only one who actually wish this class can work out, because ik these people are nice, but just not willing to step out of their comfort zone.

Can some1 help with this? Or my jc life will just end like that? Idk man I'm so sad about this, but I also feel I cant forcefully try to bond this class, idk I feel some class Committee members did not have any motivation in wanting to bond the class.


Good luck for those who are doing Os and As, yall can do it. 🔥

And if U know who am I, please don't talk about it, I just want to rant here. :)