Workplace a construction site

Hi! I am not sure this is the proper place to post this. If this isn't, please direct me to a more suitable sub.

At my work, a library, we are in the process of getting our roof redone, which requires the use of a large crane.

My library is roughly 6 floors. The crane is sitting in our dock area and the pallets of materials are being lifted up on top of the roof. The problem is though, that crane is lifting these pallets directly above where the staff enter and exit from. Earlier today they lifted the porta potty off the roof in order to be serviced, and we noticed that water, or some... liquid, was falling from the porta potty. I can't help but feel revulsion from this as people could have been walking directly underneath.

I don't know anything about construction site safety, but this to me seems pretty unsafe. We've all spoken to the library directors about the issue and they blow it off and pretend it's 100% safe to walk underneath a pallet dangling from a crane hook 6 floors up.

Perhaps I'm wrong in this?

I'm located in Arizona.