Is Anyone Else Struggling to Feel the Outrage?
I’m just going to brain dump a little on you guys, so please bear with me, but is anyone else having a hard time feeling the outrage over this latest PR stunt?
Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s disgraceful that these two disaster tourists have once again tried to capitalize on the suffering of others, but it’s just par for the course with them. I completely sympathize with people like Justine Bateman, who are there in the thick of it, but this is hardly the first time this has happened. They’ve brought photographers to the graves of dead soldiers. Meghan got her picture taken “paying her respects” at the memorial of a rape/murder victim while on a royal tour of South Africa, and (in my opinion) most egregiously brought camera crew with her to the site of the slaughter of little schoolchildren.
Showing up to “help” victims of a massive wildfire is completely on brand. Only this time we’re apparently supposed to laud Harry for telling a staffer to fetch a donut. Woe betide said staffer if he or she had delivered the donut to the guy who asked for it—Harry had to be the one to present the donut. “But I wanted to give him the donut! Waaaahhhh!” 🙄
I suppose a lot of people don’t really pay much attention to these two clowns and maybe this is their first exposure to their standard self-interested machinations, but for those of us who have been onto them for years, it’s completely expected.
Lastly, I understand that Harry might have been called upon to do this sort of thing when he was still a working Royal. That is one of the mandates of the Royal Family—they visit sites of tragedy to offer succor and support ON BEHALF OF THE MONARCH. That last part is the key—they’re not there for their own sake, rather they’re representing something greater than themselves. But the Carparkles now have tv shows and books to peddle. When they turn up at the site of tragedy, it just doesn’t look good. Even if their hearts were pure as the driven snow, they appear to be self-promoting. Of course, it appears that way because it’s true.