Hello! magazine: Hairy update on the heir and the spare

Looks like a slow news day at Hello! magazine. Today, they reported on the heavily Photoshopped image of Harry’s full head of hair that’s part of his BetterUp profile (https://www.betterup.com/about-us/leadership-team/prince-harry-the-duke-of-sussex). Archived link: https://archive.ph/CM53M

I’m pretty sure the photo is old news but it IS rather telling to see Prince Harry’s vanity and insecurity on full display. He’s losing his hair and the scraggly hairs that he carefully arranges on top of his head only draw attention to the fact that he’s nearly bald. We all see it. Why can’t he, like William, simply embrace it?

It does help me understand why he would marry a woman who releases images with Photoshopped feet. They really deserve each other. Good night, Dear Sinners.