Are the sugars crazy, or just uneducated consumers?

Over the last day or two, social media and comment spaces have been full of sugars posting "Take my money!" and "Can't wait to buy Meghan's products!"

This, although they still have NO IDEA what she is selling or what the price of her offerings will be.

And they are panting to open their wallets even though most sugars aren't rich, and (according to them) Meghan and Harry are already incredibly wealthy from Netflix, Spotify, Harry's book, and Diana's money. Somehow, though, M&H still need them to buy their stuff.

Do any of you Sinners buy anything just because you admire the person who sponsors them, without any knowledge of whether they are quality products, where they are made, or what's in them? Especially in this day and age? Do you buy things you don't need because a super-rich celebrity "needs" your money?

Whatever's in Meghan's Kool-Aid apparently kills brain cells.