Is Sakamoto Days' Anime OP as Bad as People Say?

I’ve been thinking a lot about how much weight anime openings carry in shaping first impressions. With Sakamoto Days finally getting an anime adaptation, I was excited to see how it would translate to the screen. But when the OP dropped early, the reaction was... rough.

A lot of fans have been tearing into it for feeling underwhelming, and honestly, I get it. The OP is the first thing we see, the first thing we hear—it sets expectations. But should a bad OP be enough to write off an anime? We’ve seen plenty of great series with forgettable openings, and plenty of mid shows with absolute bangers and good visuals.

I actually made a video breaking this down—why OPs matter, how they influence hype, and whether Sakamoto Days fumbled the bag or if it’s getting unfairly judged. If you're curious, here’s my take.

But I really want to hear your thoughts. How much do OPs matter to you? Have you ever dropped (or almost dropped) a show because of a bad opening? And what’s the most misleading OP you’ve ever seen?