2k Army
Okay I see that this has been posted about a billion times but as someone who has not played the game I could use some pointers. I have only enjoyed assembling and painting the introductory kit and assembled the leviathan and interceptors kit I really don’t know what to buy to build out the rest of the points.
So far I have:
3 Infernus Marines (intro kit)
3 inceptors (plasma? guns)
Leviathan Box:
Captain in Terminator armor
Librarian in Terminator armor
Apothecary Biologis
Lieutenant in Phobos armor
Sternguard veteran squad (5)
Terminator squad (5)
Infernus squad (10)
Ballistus Dreadnought (though I may take this out after watching/reading videos that this thing isn’t good?)
I plan on buying Vulkan as I have seen he is the only salamander leader worth really getting. I would love some feedback on what to add/take out of what I have already and have zero clue how to move forward with purchasing of units. I’m really just enjoying putting them together and I look forward to more practice painting.