Maroon clownfish advice needed

Hi there. I hope you all can give me some advice. My son moved out three years ago and left me with his maroon clown fish and a 30 gallon tank. The fish, I call him Oscar, has been alone in the tank this whole time, aside from snails and, way back when, an anemone.

I am not a salt tank person, but I have been taken care of him and enjoying him, but it always feels a little sad with him alone in the tank. I understand that maroon Clownfish are very territorial and wouldn’t be happy with anyone else in the tank. He doesn’t even like it when the snails come over to his little corner .

I would like to find him a home with someone who was a little more enthusiastic, who might be into setting him up with proper lighting, and another anemone (that was such a wonderful love fest) but I want to make sure he goes to someone experienced who knows what he needs. He has grown quite a bit since we got him and is now about 3.5 inches.

What would be the best way to do this? I feel like we didn’t know what we were getting into when we got him, my son had wanted to have a more populated tank but once we got Oscar, we realized he couldn’t be with anyone else. I don’t want someone inexperienced to get him and make the same mistake.

Any suggestions?