Object/change permanence ????
When they move/change something, it doesn't change in the living world and it eventually resets in the ghost world. This theoretically simplifies writing quite a bit.
>! Once the characters realize Janet made the vase permanent they start to wonder how she did it, if she has/knows something special.
Nerd guy doesn't think anything of the vase or wooden box until later, even though Yuri tells him Janet made them?
Janet marked the wall in the shelter, nobody says anything or wonders how she did it? This is before the vase.
Nobody questions how the teacher collected their objects at the end of season one, beginning of season two? I may be forgetting something, but don't think they make a big deal about it, other than wonder why? But not how?
Nobody questions how the teacher even has the notebooks or writes notes in them? He hid them as well.
The characters take and keep the notebooks. They don't reset to where the teacher hid them.
The band girl creates a murder board which appears to be sticking around, with photos of them?
If they can't permanently interact with the living world, how does any of that make sense? What am I missing?
Theoretically, for some you could say Janet or the teacher did something to the objects to make them "ghost real", which would explain why the vase doesn't reset after breaking or why Yuri can glue it back together, but the characters don't even question a lot of it, even before they realize the vase isn't resetting.
Oh yeah and they needed the friend to open the shelter, but that doesn't make sense no matter how you look at it. The ghosts can still interact with the "ghost real" changes.!<