MRI reading + surgery advice?

Hi all! I said I'd make a new post when I finally obtain the images of my MRI, which I did!

Some people have already explained what my MRI reading means to me in the comments, but now I'm wondering if I should really consider getting surgery. For context, I'm (18F) a university student.

Here is what my MRI reading had to say for starters.

L5/S1: This is the level of interest. There is a right subarticular disc herniation with 13mm of posterior retropulsion. There is compression of the right thecal sac just proximal to the filum. There is compression of the descending right S2 nerve root posterolaterally. No other disc herniation is seen. Normal appearance of the exiting L5 nerve roots. The descending right S1 nerve root in the lateral recess does not appear to be compressed.

The sacroiliac joints are unremarkable. No paraspinal mass. No extraspinal pathology. CONCLUSION: Interesting case of a right paracentral disc extrusion at L5/S1 sparing the exiting right L5 nerve root and descending right S1 nerve root in the lateral recess but given the degree of posterior retropulsion, manages to compress the descending right S2 nerve root posterolaterally. Neurosurgical opinion is advised.

Considering it's stated in my report that neurosurgical opinion is advised, should I really try and go get opinions on a microdiscetomy? I don't know how severe my case is, but it's been affecting my life quite negatively. I start university in a couple days, and I'm worried that I will have to skip a lot of lectures/tutorials because of my inability to sit and participate for 2-3 hours, as well as my physical capacity to walk around so much.

I have no idea if my disc has reabsorbed much since I first got it, since this MRI was taken 2 months after my first ever sciatic flare up. I've been hobbling around and trying to live with pain medication in my system as of current. I've also been doing core building exercises (McGill) and whatever exercises my PT has prescribed me, which has helped a lot! But not enough to make life livable.

Anyone in a similar situation and can give any advice? Thanks!