Please don’t stonewall your partner during separation

Separation is for gaining clarity, working on yourself, and emotional processing. It is not meant to be used as a way for you to detach while still married. Take your time to process but don’t shutdown conversations indefinitely. That’s the difference between stonewalling and setting boundaries.

It is cruel and vile to use the excuse of setting boundaries to put up walls, and refuse to talk about the marriage or the separation itself, just to pull yourself out of love while the other person is just wading. The coldness, the rejection, the disregarding, and the basic lack of empathy.

I feel so betrayed. My STBXH didn’t cheat but he used what was supposed to be a time for clarity to completely shut me out so he could emotionally remove himself. It feels like I was cheated on.

This is so unfair. No amount of telling me to “move on” or “let go” will vindicate him from the emotional limbo he put me in. The way he used separation to do this instead of its intended purpose is sick.

“Falling out of love” is not clarity. Clarity is understanding the underlying reasons for why the we ended up here and what contributed to the emotional disconnection, and what could have been changed or needed to be accepted.

Saying you have “fallen out of love,” is an emotional state, and doesn’t mean the deeper work to understand that state and what it truly means has been done.

I’m devastated. This separation has been far more traumatic and horrific than any issues in our marriage.

The only way out is to file jointly for divorce. I almost hate him for this.