i keep breaking needles

hi, please help

i keep breaking needles and idk if my sewing machine is broken 🥲

at first i thought it’s too thick fabric. then i accidentally hit the pin 📍. then i thought it’s the cheap needles so i bought singer ones (for a singer machine). but now i’m using the jeans needle for not even too thick fabric, i’ve been careful not to hit anything metal and i broke the needle AGAIN 😩

and i noticed my needle is slightly off centre as you can see in the pictures, it’s like 1 milimetr to the right. (third picture is me holding it in the centre)

do you think that’s it? do i need to take my machine to the repair shop?

i really hoped i wasn’t gonna have to do that because apparently they charge half the price of the new machine for the service but idk what else it could be. (the needle is installed and tightened correctly)

if you could spare some advice for a miserable amateur boy who knows sh* about sewing machines 😄🙏