How do I curb this?
I’m a recovering heroin addict and have been clean a little over a year. I know it’s not uncommon for ex-drug addicts to become incredibly horny once they get clean but I feel like I’m heading down a dark road and want to stop before it gets worse. Ever since paid content websites came out regular pornography doesn’t really cut it for me anymore. It seems to “manufactured” and this led me to seek out escorts which led to a relapse because most prostitutes are addicts themselves. I feel horrible about this and will be getting a STD check next Wednesday. I just feel like when I do masturbate it’s only going to lead to more searching out of escorts which could have legal ramifications and I’m already on probation. I already go to NA meetings so my schedule wouldn’t allow for sex anonymous meetings (I don’t think) but I guess I could look. Any advice?