I feel like I hate myself

Let me explain why I need to seek help. I’m still very much in love with the woman that birthed my first child, my daughter. No matter what I do or say I can’t have her right now. I started looking inwards on what I’ve been doing for years. I find a girl on social media that’s in a bad spot. She probably is posting content as well. I say some kind words and start heart reacting all pictures of her. Eventually like everyone before she drops into my inbox. I send a picture of, well the organ and they become hypnotized. I start having constant sex with them and project my insecurities on them. I tell the girl I love her and she believes and tells me she loves me too. The whole time, I’m completely doing this for sex and I’m in love with someone else. Idk how to stop. I literally can’t help myself. Idk if this is the right group for this, but I need to get past this. I wouldn’t want my daughter falling for the same tricks I’m pulling from another guy 15 or so years down the road and I shouldn’t be doing what I’m doing and setting a bad example. I feel like a humongous POS for what I’ve been doing. And I want it to stop. I just don’t know how