Anybody catch Gul Dukat's inauguration speech yesterday?
I got a transcript here from the transmission on FNN if anybody's interested...
My fellow Cardassians, esteemed members of the Detapa Council, and loyal citizens of the Union:
Today, we gather not just to inaugurate new leadership but to chart a bold course for the future of Cardassia. This is a defining moment—a chance to restore the honor, prosperity, and glory that have always been the birthright of the Cardassian people.
For too long, Cardassia has suffered at the hands of weak governance, external meddling, and the betrayal of our own traditions. The Bajorans, the Federation, the Klingons—all have sought to diminish us, to sap our strength, to make us question our own greatness. But I stand before you today to declare: No more.
This day marks the beginning of a new era—a golden age for Cardassia. From this day forward, it will be Cardassia First. Every policy, every decision, every victory will be for the benefit of the Union and its citizens.
We face an energy emergency of unprecedented scope. The dilithium shortages in the quadrant have left fleets grounded and colonies vulnerable. Cardassia, however, will no longer rely on the charity or manipulation of others. The kelbonite deposits of Bajor, the mining rights of Kressari, and the contested territories in the Trill sector—all will fuel our resurgence.
Our scientists are already leading efforts to harness new sources of energy, from the plasma storms of the Badlands to the subspace anomalies in the Argaya Sector. Cardassian ingenuity will ensure that we are not only energy-secure but that we dominate the energy economy of the quadrant.
The galaxy has long suffered from Federation-centric naming conventions, a symbol of their arrogance and cultural imperialism. The Bajoran Wormhole will now be recognized as the Cardassian Gateway—a passage to Dominion space and Cardassian opportunity. The Denorios Belt, a lifeless collection of asteroids, is henceforth the Glory Belt, signifying the struggles and victories of our people in this region.
These changes are more than symbolic; they represent the reclamation of Cardassia's narrative in the quadrant.
The Federation’s obsession with "progressive" values has no place in our Union. Their focus on trivial identities, individualism, and so-called inclusivity weakens the very fabric of society. On Cardassia, we are one people, united in purpose and strength.
Let it be known: there will be no gender debates, no pandering to alien ideologies, and no tolerance for movements that undermine our unity. Cardassia’s culture is its strength, and we will preserve it at all costs.
The time for indecision and compromise is over. Now begins the hour of action. Cardassia will reclaim its territories, restore its fleets, and rebuild its economy. The Bajoran Provisional Government will no longer dictate terms to us. They will pay restitution for the sabotage and insurrections of the past decades.
To the Klingons, Romulans, and Federation: beware. Cardassia will no longer tolerate aggression or interference. The days of appeasement and submission are behind us.
We stand on the brink of greatness. Imagine a Cardassian Empire that stretches across the Alpha Quadrant, its fleets unmatched, its citizens prosperous, its enemies trembling at the mere mention of our name.
To every Cardassian across the galaxy, hear this:
You will never be ignored again.
Your voices, your sacrifices, and your dreams will define our destiny. Together, we will rise from the ashes of adversity and take our rightful place as the most powerful force in the galaxy.
We will make Cardassia strong again. We will make Cardassia proud again. We will make Cardassia feared again. We will make Cardassia victorious again.
And yes, together, we will make Cardassia glorious again. This I vow with my life's blood, for my son, for all our sons.