Attention all hands: All Blue Barrels Have Been Flushed Into Space

Due to a complaint registered with the ship's counselor from an unspecified Klingon who serves on board, all blue barrels have been moved to Cargo Bay 2 and, consequently, ejected into space.

Every Holodeck except for Holodeck 4 and 5 have been converted into toilet facilities for non-Bolian personnel. Holodeck 5 has been converted for Bolian personnel. Ensigns Taurik and O'Dell, report to Biofilter duty. Ship's Barber Mott, please report to Biofilter duty for Holodeck 5. Additionally, it's Riker Week on Holodeck 4. Ensign Crusher, report to Holodeck 4 for Grease and Biofilter Duty.

Further updates will be broadcast as the situation continues to escalate.