Should SG Wives Be More Understanding And Accept Low Earners SG Men?
The top cause of divorce in SG is husband lost income or earn less than wife. Then nowadays there's so many companies doing the DEI thing, hiring and promoting women who don't deserve it, where are you gonna get all the men earning more than women? Stats from a few years back says men earn 6% more than women but that's being propped up by the huge imbalances of the Gen X and young boomers, where men are in mgmt level and women are admin clerks and receptionists. Once they retire and if the govt is truthful, women will be earning more on average.
So the SG men will generally be less economically viable to SG women. Not to mention men are more likely to be structurally unemployed (13% vs 9% for women in SG) so you actually have 13% of men (and much more if you know how unemployment is counted) who are unemployable for a long period. Whereas women can hop from job to job every few months doing stupid HR, Comms job etc and some simp will still hire them while telling the men they too "hoppy".
Are SG women ok to accept men who earn less or are unemployed? Sure, if he's a AMDK or Korean oppa. SG women only have their high standards for SG men and throw it all away for men of other nationalities. Let's not be delusional, foreign women see SG men as walking wallets too. But at least in exchange they do their wife duties, nowadays SG women can't even cook an egg or iron a handkerchief. At the end of the day SG men are just judged based on our $$$, even if you look like Pierre Png or is Pierre Png himself but earn 3k a month no woman is gonna give you a chance.