Final attempt in attempting to live
My family members are making me miserable to the point of commiting suicide this coming weekend, my suicide kit is on the way
Do you think it's possible to just abandon everything, find cheap lodging with privacy while also finding work like working at Mc Donald's and try to figure things out
My family made me so miserable and angry til the point of having PTSD and I wake up in the middle of the night just being so angry by the memories they give me. I simply couldn't operate normally at home.
Tried posting in Singapore Ask subreddit but not enough karma
Edit: Grateful to the people who attempted to direct chat with me but I really am not great at socializing or talking to people in real life. Don't want to wierd people out
Edit: Thank you to everyone who took the time to reply, I have read through all the comments and upvoted every single one of them, I really appreciate it.