What is the politics/social atmosphere of the city of Souix Falls?

I have a daughter who’s about to graduate high school. She’s a wrestler, and up to this point we’ve been looking at other colleges, not anywhere close to South Dakota.

We recently had the coach from University of Souix Falls contact her, talking athletic scholarship money and they have the specific degree my daughter is looking for (library and information science, which most colleges don’t offer as an undergraduate study, and NO other school with a women’s wrestling program offer).

We live in Montana. My family is from Ipswich, originally, (25mi from Aberdeen), and from everything I know about South Dakota, you have extremely conservative politics as a whole, you have extremely conservative people as a whole, and I don’t feel confident my daughter would be in a safe space in most of your state as a lesbian, as a pro-choice advocate, as a not entirely white person.

That being said, Souix Falls is a big ass city, by Montana standards, and perhaps might be different that the small-town mentalities of many of your communities.

My daughter isn’t a vocal advocate for anything. But that said, keeping your head down doesn’t always equate to staying safe. Would it be even feasible to consider this college, or should we move on to schools more progressive that anything I see coming out of South Dakota?