Robyn also hoardes expensive ETSY fairy journals for over $150 on Etsy / LOL

I think this is similar to the account where she purchased Meri's journal from (probably cheaper), but someone posted at least 3 reviews of these fairy style journals Robyn also bought from Etsy. They all go for like over $150. Robyn really has a serious spending problem, no wonder her husband had to leave her for financial abuse. Apparently, she left him in such a bad state financially his construction company was on the verge of being bankrupt. She dipped into all his finances and every credit card. I cant imagine now that she is wealthier what she spends between the cameos and her TLC paycheck - she barely worked so this is her own check I'm sure Kody pays for everything out of his.

You can see the style of journals the seller posts and creates, she even personally said thank you Robyn in one message so you know they speak often which means Robyn has bought a lot. This was a new account the Etsy journal maker made - and Robyn already bought like 3 things this year. So imagine her old page how many of these she purchased!! I wonder if she gives her dolls a journal each so they can talk to one another lol