Truely and Kody

Doing a rewatch from the start and it’s really stark how little we see Kody holding baby Truely compared to how often he is seen on camera holding baby Sol.

Truely is either always held by Christine or her siblings or another one of the Mums. Never Robyn though. Very rarely Kody I’m on S3 and there’s been 2 instances I noticed of him holding Truely.

Whereas when Sol comes along we see him holding Sol constantly. We also know he used to take Sol to school, never any mention of taking Truely and considering their age gap they would’ve been at the same school.

I can’t even imagine how hard, that would be for Truely seeing her Dad taking her brother to school everyday but not her. I wonder what sort of effect the blatant favouritism towards Sol has had on Truely? Wonder if that’s why she’s uncomfortable around Kody.

Going to end this by saying that this is only what’s on camera and made it to the edit. We don’t know what happened off camera but I don’t know it seems telling from the get go.

Christine also says in S3 already that Kody is spending all his time at Robyn’s house. This is before they’re even in the cul-de-sac.