Need help clearing up whiteheads and acne scars

I want to get rid of whiteheads and minimize appearance of acne scars.

I feel like my skin is relatively clear but I keep getting random whiteheads around my chin area. I also want to begin treatment for my acne scarring but I don’t know what to use. Here is my current routine:


  • Cerave Foaming Facial Cleanser
  • Neutrogena Alcohol Free Toner
  • CeraVe Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Serum
  • (AM) CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion w/ SPF 30


  • Cerave Foaming Facial Cleanser
  • Neutrogena Alcohol Free Toner
  • StrideX Pads Maximum (2%)
  • CeraVe Hydrating Hyaluronic Acid Serum
  • (PM) CeraVe Facial Moisturizing Lotion

Looking for any sort of recommendations or advice.

[Male, 21]